July 2019  features some significant planetary action to report. (And yes, I’m late in posting this; chalk it up to my move on 6/30!)  Can you handle TWO eclipses, THREE retrograde planets and THREE planets combust (too close to) the Sun, all in the same month? If so, read away. And hey, “I don’t make the rules; I just work here.” Reporting what’s up so everyone can be prepared.

July 2nd featured the total SOLAR ECLIPSE. It was visible only in the South Pacific and parts of South America, mainly Chile and Argentina. Even though people here in the West run to catch a view of eclipses,  in Vedic Astrology, they are considered inauspicious. They symbolize one of the demon/Rakshasa nodes of the Moon (either Rahu or Ketu) trying to “swallow” and put out the Light and life of one of the luminaries, the Sun or Moon. This time it was Rahu (north node of the Moon), trying to swallow the SUN. But since the luminaries are immortal, they escape that grip. Generally effects are worse where an eclipse is visible. In ancient cultures they found that these celestial messengers, including comets and meteors, would symbolize war, the death of a beloved leader, or earth changes. Citizens were advised not to look at an eclipse, not to eat during one, nor to let their bodies be within the rays of the eclipsed Orb. According to Indian Vedic Astrologers I have worked with, the effects of an eclipse last from two weeks before to two weeks after. Some even say from one month before to one month after! Those who would feel the most impact from this eclipse are those with Leo Rising or Moon signs, as the Sun rules their charts. This occurred in the sign of Gemini, thus those with this Ascendant or Moon sign could have also experienced some low energy.

July 7th – MERCURY GOES RETROGRADE. Oh yes, here we go again. And it lasts until July 31st. Mercury is currently transiting water sign Cancer, along with Mars (which is in its sign of debilitation). For those ruled by Mercury, the Geminis and Virgos, at least this represent good house placements for them. Once again, everyone needs to bring to mind the need to be tactful and have diplomacy. But with fiery Mars conjunct the planet that represents communication, that will be a lot to overcome.  Be careful with all communication devices, or you could end up sending a text or email to an unintended person! The Mercurial natural sense of logic may be influenced by emotions now, due to going through the sign of Cancer. When a planet is retrograde the energy turns inward, more self reflective, or internalized. Saturn and Jupiter already have been retrograde for some time now. Problems and aggravations seem to be enhanced during these cycles. During these retrograde periods, we often have an opportunity to revisit and rework matters we thought we’d already completed or had a handle onI guess a positive way to look at it is that retrogrades bring second chances.

July 8th – Benefic VENUS, currently in the sign of Gemini, along with Rahu and the Sun, now goes Combust, i.e. traveling too close to the Sun. This reduces its ability to be at its best in terms of generating the usual Venusian qualities that bless our lives: luxury, comforts, affection, pleasures and desires, as well as social behavior. Passion can still be there, with that Rahu conjunction, but be wary of making decisions in haste regarding relationships at this time.  This combustion lasts until September 19th, which is a long time for Venus to be so affected. 

July 11th – MARS goes combust.  Tempers may flare, and as this planet represents the action priniciple,  deeds can be “done in haste” and repented later. Better to attempt to maintain equanimity despite such challenging planetary events this month, if possible. Stay cool, both physically and emotionally. A nice cool dip in the pool, or iced beverage may be just the thing to chill out some now.  Of course, if you have a beach trip planned, these various planet combination are apt to open the door to hurricanes or tropical storms, so stay on top of the weather reports, before you travel.  This Mars combust status lasts until August 8th. And of course Mars is currently sitting in Cancer, its sign of debilitation. It is just not at its best this month.

July 13th – MERCURY becomes the third planet this month in Combust status.  Ruling speech as it does, words may be said that one later regrets, added to the Mars-influenced actions mentioned above.  The Mercury combustion lasts until July 29th.

July 16th – SUN enters Cancer, joining Mars and Mercury there, and adding to the “heat” those with Cancer Rising or Moon signs are already feeling. At least it may be good for finances as the Sun rules the second house of wealth for Cancerians. That’s something.

July 16-17 – A partial LUNAR ECLIPSE occurs. MDT this will occur from 12:43 to 6:17 p.m.  However, we are fortunate not to have it visible here. Areas of visibility will be: Australia, S. America, most of Europe and Asia.  There will be some slight partial visibility in the very southern tip of Florida and uppermost eastern New England. The Moon represents mind and emotions, so when the light is “put out” for that brief time, those arenas get affected. It is a good time to dive deeply into some spiritual insights and reset one’s compass, if the need for that becomes apparent during one’s time of reflection.

July 23 – VENUS enters Cancer, stirring up romantic and affectionate feelings within those with this Rising or Moon sign.  Especially considered that Mars is already sitting there. This type of conjunction usually brings in romance!  The desire for comforts and luxuries may also increase for those born under  this domestic, compassionate sign.

July 29th – Mercury becomes non-combust (see above).

July 30th – Mercury retrogrades all the way back into the previous sign, Gemini, which is its own sign, and it is comfortable there. This will assist the Gemini Rising and Moon sign people to gain some mental clarity, which Rahu traveling there has muddied to some degree. 

July 31st – MERCURY GOES DIRECT MOTION. And on that cheery note ends the month of three combustions, three retrograde planets and two eclipses!  Communications and commerce can now roll forward with greater ease and success. Plus the Geminis and Virgos will feel more like themselves now.

All the best, from the Sunshine Corner, here in Boulder, CO.  Tel: 720-448-3742.  Your referrals are appreciated; thank you!  Services I offer include: natal chart readings, yearly updates, couples compatibility or astrocartography (location) readings.  If you would like to book an appointment for yourself, or as a gift for someone, please call me, and we can schedule a 90 minutes session, which you are welcomed to record.  Mary Stevenson, Vedic Astrologer, 720-448-3742 healingevents@yahoo.com 




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