11/03 – MERCURY gets out of Retrograde! This happy event occurs at 10:46 a.m. Mountain Time. It has been a long three weeks, hasn’t it, with the planet that governs communication, tactfulness, diplomacy and commerce being in retrograde motion. Yes, this election day. By 12:46 p.m. Eastern time, communications and clarity of intellect (which Mercury also represents), should be clearer. Those with Rising or Moon signs by Mercury the Geminis and Virgos, will be especially relieved to once again have the sensation of life moving forward, with less glitches and misunderstandings as communications will no longer be so impacted (at least, until the next Mercury Retrograde period!)

11/13 – MARS gets out of retrograde today, at 5:31 p.m. Mountain time. It will continue to transit water sign Pisces though, until it marches forward all the way back into its own sign Aries, late on 12/23/20. This placement is the 5th house for Scorpios, ruled by this fiery planet, is just fine for studies, success, love affairs, teaching, and spending time with children. It has not been so easy on the other sign Mars rules, Aries. For Pisces is their 12th house of isolation, loss and expenses. Better times are coming, Aries friends! Just in time for Christmas eve day, when Mars moves on into Aries.

Part of the collective angst and sense of oppression on our consciousness has come from these recent retrogrades of Mars (since 9/09) and Mercury (since 10/13 – we also had to deal with Mercury being combust the Sun from 10/19 – 10/31). At least this has been an astrological contribution to the overall malaise that I sense and see most people have been experiencing. “This, too, shall pass,” as the planets keep moving through the zodiac, with their various effects on individual and national life and well-being.

11/15 – THE SUN enters Scorpio, where it will journey for a one month period. This is a friend’s sign for the Sun. Those with Scorpio Ascendants or Moon signs will enjoy the experience of personal power that the Sun brings now, because the Sun rules their 10th house of power, action, career, name and fame, and because the Sun itself represents power. Leo’s are ruled by the Sun. They will enjoy this placement in their 4th house, bringing a greater enjoyment of home life, a sense of comfort and closeness to friends now.

11/16 – VENUSplanet of love and beauty, comforts and desires, enters its own sign of Libra. This will make both Venus happy, as well as those with Libra Rising or Moon signs! For Venus rules Libra and it’s not been comfortable in its sign of debilitation, Virgo, since 10/22And that is the 12th house of loss and expenses for the Librans. In this sign of Libra, it has more power to deliver the lovely things it stands for. It also rules the earth sign Taurus. Here, it will be transiting their 6th house, which could increase some worries or health concerns. The best use of this transit’s energy for Taureans, is to focus on being of service. It will next move to Scorpio on 12/10.

11/20 – JUPITER moves into Capricorn, its sign of Debilitation. But the good news is, SATURN is already there, and in high dignity, owning that sign. Thus Jupiter gets treated to Neecha Bhanga yoga (cancellation of Debilitation – to a great degree anyway). Benefic Jupiter owns the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces. So now it will transit the 2nd house of wealth, family and speech for the Sag’s – a good placement, and since it also rules their 4th house, can bring them money from real estate. For the Pisceans, the lord of their chart will be crossing their 11th house of gain, income and fulfillment of desire, so they also benefit. It is just those with Capricorn rising or Moon signs who will have some mixed results. Jupiter owns their 3rd house, thus can now make them quite busy with projects and can bring a subtle type of courage and vitality. But it also brings the significations of its 12th house ownership to them as well, so they may feel a bit more withdrawn or isolated and may have to deal with some losses or expenses.

11/27 – MERCURY enters Scorpio. This causes the Virgos to be very busy with projectswhile the Geminis may have to face some health or worry issues, as this is their 6th house. Scorpios will have some gain coming their way, as Mercury rules their 11th house, but it also governs their 8th house of Vulnerability and Transformation, thus this is a mixed bag transit for them.

11/30 – There will be a Full Moon Penumbral (partial) Lunar Eclipse, which will be at its point of fullness close to 2:00 a.m. Mountain time. This occurs in the sign of Taurus, in which the Moon is Exalted. It will also be sitting there with Exalted Rahu, creating some emotional disturbance.  We may see some power plays taking place now, possibly left over from election day, when the Moon was also Exalted in Taurus, conjunct Exalted Rahu, the north node of the Moon. This is the last penumbral lunar eclipse of 2020. Residents of North and South America, Australia, and parts of Asia might see a darker Full Moon during the maximum phase of this eclipse.

All the best, from the Sunshine Corner, here in Boulder, CO.  Tel: 720-448-3742.  Your referrals are appreciated; thank you!  Services I offer include: natal chart readings, yearly updates, couples compatibility or astrocartography (location) readings.  If you would like to book an appointment for yourself, or as a gift for someone, please call me, and we can schedule a 90 minutes session, which you are welcomed to record.  Mary Stevenson, Vedic Astrologer,  healingevents@yahoo.com. 

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