VENUS is strongly featured in this month’s blog. It is high dignity, traveling through its own sign of Libra. In addition JUPITER is on the move! Read all about it.  Please remember that I’m available to give individual and couples readings, and I greatly appreciate your referrals. Thank you!

10/05/18 – Venus goes RETROGRADE until 11/16/18. Whenever a benefic planet goes into retrograde motion, it becomes stronger in its ability to do give its positive results.  Those with Libra Rising or Moon signs will continue to enjoy these benefits for some months to come. Once Venus  goes direct on 11/16/18, it will not exit Libra to move into Scorpio until 1/01/2019, due to the time it takes to retrace its footsteps forward and progress to the next sign. So enjoy feeling warm, affectionate, attractive, creative and very interested in art, music, beauty, and creature comforts for the rest of this year, all you Librans!

Taurus is the other sign ruled by Venus. The sign of Libra represents the 6th house for Taureans, which is not as comfortable in its influence. This house represents worries, stress, anxiety, delays, enemies, rival, competitors. The most productive way to channel the energy of this long transit through Libra is through being of service to others, which the 6th house can also signify.

10/06/18 – MERCURY enters Libra, joining its friend Venus there. These two planets together manifest a great energy of playfulness, fun, and creative communication. People will enjoy being around you, as you radiate these qualities, Librans!

Mercury rules the signs of Virgo and Gemini. This placement also brings positive influences for both of them. For Geminis, Mercury will be in their 5th house of children, success, education and learning ability. For Virgos, it is their 2nd house of wealth, family and communication.  Geminis and Virgos will see these important areas of life get energized in a positive way during this transit period.

10/10/18 MERCURY gets out of Combustion, where it was traveling too close to the Sun for comfort since 9/05/18. As Mercury signifies diplomacy, tactfulness, friendliness and communication, these areas may have seemed somewhat clipped and distorted during this period. As usual, the ones who would have felt the effects the most, are those with Gemini or Virgo Ascendant or Moon signs. Everyone will enjoy Mercury being free of combustion now.

10/11/18  JUPITER MOVES INTO SCORPIO. This great benefic planet only changes signs every 12.5 to 13 months, so this is the biggest planet news of the month.  Now it moves into a friend’s sign, and will bring positive changes for individuals with Scorpio Rising or Moon signs.  It actually will be a relief for Libras when it moves, as it rules their 3rd and 6th house and has been bringing certain qualities of stress and obstacles to them for a year now.  Jupiter represents good luck, good judgment, wisdom, and happiness in any case, so doesn’t do so much damage, even ruling those houses for Libras. But for Scorpios, it brings the energy of their 2nd house (wealth, communication, family connections) and 5th house (children, education, success) to those with Scorpio Rising or natal Moons. This will be far better than the transit of their 12th house of loss, expenses and isolation that Scorpios have gone through for a year now.

The signs ruled by Jupiter are Sagittarius and Pisces. Now Jupiter will be transiting the 12th house for Sagittarians. This will afford them the opportunity or desire for foreign travel or “bed pleasures,” but also some seclusion that may be desired, or by contrast, feel like isolation. The 12th house also pertains to losses and expenditures so the year ahead for those with this Rising or Moon sign will be a time to stick to a budget as much as possible.  For Pisces Rising and Moon signs, Scorpio represents their 9th house of good luck and good fortune, dharma, destiny, remedies, pilgrimage and Natural Law. This is a big improvement over the 8th house of Transformation and Vulnerability, which they’ve gone through for a year now. Pisceans can expect some wonderful improvements in the year ahead!

10/17/18 – The SUN enters LIBRA, joining Mercury and Venus there.  This brings a helpful influence for income and gain to the Librans, as the Sun rules their 11th house. For Leos, ruled by the Sun, it is their 3rd house of projects, vitality and shorter journeys. The only thing to consider is that Libra happens to be the sign of Debilitation for the Sun, and thus it will be weaker than usual for the next 30 days.

10/21/18 – VENUS goes combust the Sun, but this will only last until 10/31. During this ten day period, Librans and Taureans may feel a little more easily irritated than we ordinarily see with their usual graceful, harmonious and peace-loving, stable natures.

10/24/18 – FULL MOON IN ARIES, sign of New Beginnings.  The Cancer Rising and Moon folks, being ruled by the Moon, will enjoy this one, as Aries represents their 10th house of action, career, name and fame.  It would be a good time to ask for a raise or receive some career acknowledgement.

10/26/18 – MERCURY enters Scorpio, bringing clarity of communications, plus income and gain to our water sign friends with this Rising or Moon sign traveling through their Vedic charts.  For Virgos, this is their 3rd house, increasing the number of projects they’ll be involved in, and this is a good time for writing. So was the previous transits of Mercury through Libra. For Geminis, this new Scorpio transit represents their 6th house, so it will be a time to reflect on or perhaps analyze from a new perspective the hassles, delays and obstacles that they may now have to deal with.

All the best, from the Sunshine Corner, here in Boulder, CO.  Tel: 720-448-3742.  Thank you for referrals you send me.  I offer many services such as: natal chart readings, yearly updates, couples compatibility or astrocartography (location) readings.  If you would like to book an appointment for yourself, or as a gift for a family member or dear one, please call me, and we can schedule a 90 minutes, recorded session.  Thank you, Mary Stevenson, Vedic Astrologer,

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