September Planet Transit Highlights of the month.

I’ll start with gratitude that exalted Mars finally got out of retrograde on August 27th, and now is pulling forward, to get away from its conjunction with malefic Ketu. This will take some time, as Mars has a lot of distance to cover and will not exit the sign of Capricorn until November 5th. Thus, not until then will things cool down for our Earth sign friends, who are playing host to this fiery action-oriented planet.  At least it is good for real estate matters for the Capricorns during this transit.

9/01/18  VENUS moves out of Virgo, its sign of Debilitation into LIBRA, its own sign, where it is strong and happy. Finally, Librans get a break and this one may bring romance, or warm and affectionate feelings. Those with Libra Rising or Moon signs, will enjoy a new burst of creativity or involvement with music, art comforts and pleasures.  Venus also rules the sign of Taurus and Libra represents their 6th house, so worries and stress may multiply during this transit, which lasts until January 1, 2019.

9/02/18 MERCURY enters LEO, a friend’s sign. This brings greater communication opportunities to those with Leo Ascendants or Rising signs. It should also be quite good financially, as it rules their 11th house of income and gain, and their 2nd house of wealth. For Geminis, the ruler of their chart will now be crossing their 3rd house, bringing numerous projects into focus, keeping their hands busy, and this may include some writing. For Virgos, whose sign Mercury also rules, Leo represents their 12th house. Therefore this could be a period of greater introspection, preferring some time alone, and needing to watch for too much spending or expenses coming in. This transit only lasts until September 18.

9/05/18 MERCURY goes combust the Sun. This period of traveling too close to the fiery mild malefic, the Sun, chafes Mercury and takes the edge off its usual diplomatic, tactful qualities, bringing a period in which those ruled by this sign, Gemini and Virgo, may be more irritable or quick to anger. This may affect communications for others as well, and also affect commercial trade interactions which may not go as smoothly as usual now.  This combustion period lasts until October 10.

9/06/18 SATURN GOES DIRECT.  More good news for those with Capricorn (and Aquarius) Rising or Moon signs, as the ruler of their charts moves forward once more, after a long period of being retrograde, since April 17, 2018. Now much more progress can be experienced and matters long-delayed can begin to come to fruition.

9/16/18   SUN enters Virgo.  This enlivens the areas of wealth speech and family for those with Leo Rising or Moon signs. For Virgos, it enlivens more of that 12th house energy of seclusion, isolation, expenses and losses. Foreign travel is one of the fun attributes of so much 12th house activity going on for the Virgos now.

9/18/18 MERCURY enters Virgo, which is a big improvement for those with Virgo Rising or Moon signs. Now they will feel greater strength and mental clarity, with their usual logical skills shining once again. It is a good transit for Geminis, too, with their ruler of their charts now in their 4th house of home, family, friends and supporters, bringing greater connection and happiness from these sources.

9/24/18  Full Moon in Pisces puts the spot light on good fortune for Cancerians who are ruled by the Moon. It’s also positive for those with Pisces Rising or Sun signs, as it can bring closeness with children, or a positive time for romantic connections, as well, and general success.

All the best, from the Sunshine Corner, here in Boulder, CO.  Tel: 720-448-3742.  Thank you for referrals you send me.  I offer many services such as: natal chart readings, yearly updates, couples compatibility or astrocartography (location) readings.  If you would like to book an appointment for yourself, or as a gift for a family member or dear one, please call me, and we can schedule a 90 minutes, recorded session.  Thank you, Mary Stevenson, Vedic Astrologer, 

Moonshine Lake Reflection Night Landscape

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