June is a month with some significant planet changes in their various transits around the fixed Zodiac, which is the system utilized by Vedic Astrology. We will explore here especially, the movements of two of the slower moving planets, Jupiter and Saturn. Going in order of the changes this month:

June 3 – MERCURY enters Taurus.  Here it is in a friend’s sign. This is an improvement for Virgo, one of the two signs that Mercury governs, as here Mercury is in the Virgos’ 9th house of good luck, good fortune and dharma.  It is not as good of a placement for the other sign ruled by Mercury, which is Gemini. For this sign, Taurus represents the 12th house,  thus it connects the Geminis with either foreign travel, loss and expenses, “bed pleasures,” or the desire to go inward and perhaps take some down time, alone. Feelings of isolation may occur. This would be an excellent time to attend a meditation retreat.

June 9 – The Full Moon occurs in water sign Scorpio, which is a friend’s sign, for the Moon. Those ruled by Moon, i.e. the sign of Cancer, should be feeling romantic or inquisitive at this time, as this represents their 5th house.  However, the Moon in this sign of its debilitation may bring on more emotional sensitivity than usual. 

June 9 – That same day, MERCURY goes into combustion with the Sun, and this condition will last until July 3, creating a bit more tension in communications for many, in general. Especially the Virgo and Gemini Rising and Moon sign people will feel the effects, which may cause some irritability or impatience in their interactions with others.

June 9 –  JUPITER gets out of retrograde and goes direct motion now!  There can be a greater sense of progress and moving forward by, especially by the two signs ruled by this great benefic, Sagittarius and Pisces.  Jupiter first went retrograde on February 5 (the 6th, in most of the country), so this will be an exciting and positive shift. Jupiter represents happiness, good judgment, good luck, good fortune and knowledge. These qualities can now be more in the forefront in the collective consciousness.

June 14 – The SUN enters air sign Gemini, bringing some energy and productivity to the Gemini Ascendants and Moon sign folks. It is also a positive placement for those ruled by the Sun, the Leos among us, for the lord of their chart will be passing through their 11th house of gain, income and fulfillment of desire. Nice.

June 18 – MERCURY enters Gemini, its own sign. Here it is happy and strong, bringing greater clarity to the collective intellect. Geminis should sign now. It’s also great for the Virgo Rising and Moon signs, as the ruler of their chart now crosses through their 10th house of action, career, name and fame.

June 20 – SATURN retrogrades all the way back into Scorpio!  Now we can get into the nitty-gritty of our slowest-moving planet. It takes 2.5 years for Saturn to change signs.  Saturn entered fire sign Sagittarius on January 26, but then it started this retrograde dance on April 5.  It continues to back up into the sign it had been in for over two years already, SCORPIO.  Thus the Scorpio rising and Moon sign folks get a little “bonus Saturn.  Though Saturn goes direct motion on August 25, it does not re-enter Sagittarius until October 26. 

This period will be most noticeable by the two signs ruled by Saturn, which are Capricorn and Aquarius. Scorpio represents good houses for both of these signs.  For Capricorns, it is their 11th house of gain and income. For Aquarians, this their 10th house of career, action, name and fame.

For Scorpios, Saturn rules their 3rd and 4th houses, which isn’t so bad, as influences go. However, Saturn in its own right, represents grief, depression, obstacles, separation, hard work, service, and humility. Expect to experience one or more of these influences during those four months from June 20 until October 26.  A retrograde time always gives those affected an opportunity to revisit and finalize some things that were not completed and finished satisfactorily in the prior passage over this sign. 

Although the “Sags” will experience a brief respite from the sometimes heavy pressures of Saturn’s passage there, bringing some relief for those four months.  Then they will get their turn again, when Saturn re-enters this sign on October 26 for the next 2.5 years period.  Owning their 2nd house of wealth, and 3rd house of self-efforts, as long as they are willing to work hard, stay organized and focused this transit does not have to be so bad.  Unless you have your Moon there.

This brings us to the subject of Sadhe Sati. This is a 7.5 year transit which each of us experience every 28 years (the first one in life depends on where one’s Moon and Saturn were at the time of birth).  Saturn spends 2.5 years in the house before the Moon, then smack dab on the Moon, and then the 2nd house to the Moon. This cycle can really cause us to become a lot more philosophical and detached vs. all the attachments that this mundane world can try and create within us, which only brings grief along the path.  I have so many friends who have their natal Moons in either Scorpio or Sagittarius, and I’ve witnessed the various pressures and hardships they have been under for the last 2.5 to 5 years.  Moon represents mind and emotion while Saturn represents grief and depression, thus you can see why this isn’t such a fun cycle, but we can certainly use it to grow, learn a lot of spiritual lessons and be of service to our fellow man.

June 29 – VENUS enters Taurus, its own sign. Thus Venus will be in high dignity at the same time that Mercury is in its own sign, as well. Happier times are thus on the horizon for the Taureans. They will want to be surrounded by beauty, music, art, luxuries and pleasures. For the other sign ruled by Venus, Libra, those with that Ascendant or Moon sign, this is their 8th house of transformation and vulnerability, so it might not be as smooth a transit as for the Taureans.   

Blessings of the planets to you, from the Sunshine Corner in from Sedona, AZ.  Tel. 928-284-4060.  Thank you for any referrals you may send me.  I offer many services such as: natal chart readings, yearly updates, couples compatibility or astrocartography (location) readings.  If you would like to book an appointment for yourself, or as a gift for a family member or dear one, please call me, and we can schedule a 90 minute, taped session.  Thank you, Mary Stevenson, Vedic Astrologer, healingevents@yahoo.com. ethereal-grain.flywheelsites.com

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