For the Summer, your Sunshine Corner is enjoying Boulder, CO, where I lived for 18 years. Great to be seeing so many friends here again. So if you are in Colorado and want an in-person reading with me while I’m here, please call me. 928-284-4060 or 928-821-6946. Thanks and starry blessings.

How’s everyone feeling now that Saturn has retrograded back into the sign of Scorpio?  It seems like my friends with a Scorpio natal Moon are feeling it the most. A reading can tell exactly how this sometimes severe “Tester” may affect you during this transit. At least it is better for the Capricorns, to have the ruler of their charts once again crossing the house of gain and income instead of its earlier time in Sagittarius, the house of loss and expenditure for them.

July 2nd – MERCURY entered Cancer where it will stay until July 20th.  This is a nice setup for the Gemini Rising and Moon chart folks to connect with family, friends, and funds. There should be a nice flow of communication and cash coming in from this transit. For the Virgos, also ruled by Mercury, it is also a positive placement. Mercury here connects them to gain, income and fulfillment of desires.  Enjoy it while it lasts!  It’s a bit of a mixed blessing for the Cancerians, whose sign is hosting Mercury. It can bring 12th house losses, expenditures, some isolation, but also energize the desire to communicate or write, including some contact with siblings, which should be positive, in most cases.

July 3rd – MERCURY goes non-combust the Sun, which is beneficial for Geminis, Virgos and most everyone’s communication, which can now flow more easily and we can all feel more understanding as we interact with others.

July 11th – MARS enters Cancer, its sign of debilitation. This annual event brings out the worst in Mars, though it MAY bring some energy to Cancer Ascendant and Moon people, as it is their Yogakaraka, or best planet.  The negative end of the spectrum of Mars energy can show up as irritation, quarrlesomeness, anger, restlessness. So for those ruled by this fiery malefic, Scorpio and Aries, these are some qualities you may experience until Mars moves into Leo on August  26th.  When not at its best, Mars can cause rash actions, ambition that goes out of bounds in terms of civility. You get the picture.  Stay cool, figuratively and literally, to control this overheated time now.

July 16th –  The SUN enters Cancer. Here it is in a friend’s sign for a one month period.  Those with Leo Rising or Moon signs may enjoy some foreign travel now, or going on a retreat or meditation course.  The Cancerians should find this placement good for bringing in more cash and greater closeness with some family members.

July 20th – MERCURY enters Leo on this date, helping to make the Lions of the zodiac more talkative.  It is a helpful transit for them, too, for attracting income, gain, various financial dealings going well, etc.  For Geminis, the ruler of their charts now passing through third house brings on more projects to keep their minds and sharp intellects busy.  For Virgos, also ruled by Mercury, it is not so positive a transit, as feelings of isolation may come up, and not as much action on the career level, as they would desire.

July 26th – VENUS transits Gemini now, and this lasts until August 20th.  This helps the sign of the Twins feel more social and playful, and may bring some romance to the front burner.  It can increase business for the Virgos.  It’s good for Taureans, ruled by this great benefic Venus, to have it crossing their 2nd house of wealth, family and communication.  It is a great improvement for Librans, also ruled by Venus, to have the lord of their chart get out of the 8th (most challenging) house of transformation and vulnerability where nothing feels very stable or steady, to now go into their 9th (best) house of good luck, good fortune, Natural Law, Pilgrimages and remedies.

The following two months are going to be real doozies, with so much intense planetary energy happening then. We have the two eclipses in August to deal with, and the one on August 21st will be a TOTAL solar eclipse, visible in the USA, so we get the impact of that.  Mercury will go retrograde on August 12th and combust the Sun on August 19th.  Saturn will go Direct motion on August 25th.

September brings sign changes for the two nodes of the Moon (Rahu and Ketu) on the 9th and Jupiter moves to Libra on September 11th.  These are significant shifts for planets which only change signs every 18 months and 12 to 13 months, respectively. Let’s see what it will mean for you.

Blessings of the planets to you, from the Sunshine Corner.  Tel: 928-284-4060.  Thank you for any referrals you may send me.  I offer many services such as: natal chart readings, yearly updates, couples compatibility or astrocartography (location) readings.  If you would like to book an appointment for yourself, or as a gift for a family member or dear one, please call me, and we can schedule a 90 minute session.  Thank you, Mary Stevenson, Vedic Astrologer,
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