Wishing you the best of the planetary energies as we move into another month and the planets again play “musical signs” as they move from one position to another. Let’s see what the month of November holds for you. As usual, I’m available and delighted to provide more specific insights if you book individual readings with me.

11/05/18 – MARS moves from Capricorn which is its exaltation sign, into Aquarius. The biggest blessing of this move is that Mars gets away from the conjunction its had with malefic Ketu, south node of the Moon, and a real sticky, tricky player in the pantheon of planets.  This will be a big help to just about everybody!  When Mars is that strong (exaltation) it can be overpowering and just a little “too full of himself” – sure, he stands for energy, courage, drive, competition, initiative, but also on the other side of the coin, anger, irritation, impatience and temper. Ketu would have played a role in bringing out his worst qualities. Things can begin to cool off for Capricorn Rising Sign and Moon sign people, and the world as a whole. Mars represents the principle of war, after all.  Amazing, isn’t it, that this planet shift occurs the night before the election?  Cooler heads should prevail, and voters could get the credit, but Mars moving into a place where it can mellow out some, is the planetary reason here.

11/11/18 – JUPITER combust the Sun.  This great benefic, representing good fortune, wisdom, happiness,  recently (last month) began its one year transit through Scorpio, a friend’s sign. As it travels a little too close to the Sun, it’s qualities can feel impinged upon a bit, affecting those with Sagittarius and Pisces Ascendants and Moon signs the most. It moves beyond this combust condition on 12/09/18.

11/16/18 – A big day with several planet changes:

VENUS goes direct motion. This is helpful to the Libras and Taureans, to begin to feel progress again, after the retrograde period which began 10/05/18.

Sun enters Scorpio, so it’s getting out of its debilitation status that it was in for a month in Libra. This is helpful for Leos, the sign ruled by the Sun, and brings more energy to Scorpios, along with an inclination to play some leadership role, which is great, as long as you don’t let the ego get too big. Sun energy can do that! But, for sure, enjoy that extra vitality now. Sun also stands for government, so it does seem like this one month transit can bring more balance to those holding ruling positions at various levels of government.

MERCURY GOES RETROGRADE today. Yes, here we go again. Mercury rules commerce, so deals you are involved with may find sudden snags popping up. Mercury rules communication, thus interpersonal misunderstandings can be the norm now, as well as glitches in communication equipment. Mercury rules friendship, so watch for getting too impatient with your friends, and don’t let inadvertent misunderstandings damage long standing positive connections. It’s a time for all to have more patience and really focus on being tactful, because Mercury does also rule diplomacy and tactfulness, so while it’s in retrograde motion, those qualities may be harder to come by naturally. This period lasts until 12/06/18. As usual, those with Gemini or Virgo Rising or Moon signs, get impacted to the greatest degree.

11/21/18 – Mercury goes Combust the Sun, adding to the quicker trigger conversations, etc. described in the above Mercury retrograde paragraph. If you were already concerned about how those family Thanksgiving conversations were going to go, yeah. It will be even more challenging than usual with the above afflictions on Mercury! It will come out of combustion on 12/02/18.

11/22/18 – Now I don’t want to rain on your Thanksgiving dinner, but…we have a FULL MOON this very day! The height of the Moon’s fullness is reached close to 11:00 p.m. Mountain Time, so the energy is building up to and through that point.  This occurs in the sign of Taurus, where it is exalted. The Moon represents mind and emotions. Here in Taurus it is the strongest. Yet we all know how full moons pull on the emotional states of human beings, as research in hospitals, prisons and mental hospitals has shown. It’s a good house for those the Moon rules, Cancers, as it is their 11th house of gain and income. Yet if you add together, the energy typical in many family gatherings, with Mercury retrograde and combust and now this full Moon stirring the deeper emotions and memories, there can be more drama this year than usual, in your family gatherings!

All the best, from the Sunshine Corner, here in Boulder, CO.  Tel: 720-448-3742.  Thank you for referrals you send me.  I offer many services such as: natal chart readings, yearly updates, couples compatibility or astrocartography (location) readings.  If you would like to book an appointment for yourself, or as a gift for a family member or dear one, please call me, and we can schedule a 90 minutes, recorded session.  Thank you, Mary Stevenson, Vedic Astrologer, healingevents@yahoo.com    https://vedicstarcharts.com


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