AUGUST 2018 – I am creating this Blog post a week late. Will I blame it on the retrograde planets? You bet I will! (plus a residence move a few days ago). We start this month with three planets in retrograde motion: Mars, Saturn and Mercury – and the latter is also combust the Sun. Thus do not be surprised at experiencing challenges, delays and unexpected obstacles.  Plus, not to forget, we are still recovering from the one-two punch last month of the partial solar eclipse, and total lunar eclipse. It’s a real “planet soup” of intense energies right now for us as individuals, society and the planet.

August 1st – VENUS, great benefic, symbolizing beauty, art, music, comforts and partners, entered Virgo, its sign of Debilitation.  It remains there until September 1st.  Ironically, Venus brings some helpful financial gains to those with Virgo Ascendants or Moon signs, due to the houses it rules for them, even though its energy is weakest when it is debilitated in that sign.  Venus rules Taurus and Libra. It’s a good house placement for those with Taurus Rising or Moon signs in their natal charts, for this is their 5th house of children, success, learning ability and romance. It’s more challenging for the Libras, as Virgo represents their 12th house of loss and expenses, solitude and isolation.

August 1st – MERCURY began traveling too close for comfort to the Sun this day, bringing more edginess to the field of communication in general (and that, added to the fact that this planet is in retrograde now, until August 18th). As usual, those with Virgo or Gemini Rising of Moon signs will feel it the most, as Mercury rules their sign. In addition to communication and any equipment that deals with same, Mercury represents commerce and trade, as well as diplomacy and tactfulness.  All of these qualities will be strained and frayed at the edges during this time. Mercury gets out of combustion on August 16th.

August 11th – Partial solar eclipse in the sign of Cancer.  Those who may feel it the most are the Cancer and Leo Rising and Moon sign people. Once again, we are fortunate that it will NOT be visible in the USA, so the influence will not have as big of an impact on us here. The eclipse will start out over the North Atlantic Ocean and Greenland, moving north and east so that the shadow simultaneously moves toward Iceland, northern Europe and the northern polar regions. Continuing its path over the top of the planet, the shadow will be wide enough to cover most of northern Russia from east to west. It will then dip down into Mongolia, China and surrounding areas.

August 16th – The SUN enters Leo, its own sign, where it is strong and powerful. Those with Leo Rising or Moon signs, will benefit from this strengthening of the ruler of their charts. However, it can contribute to both their leadership qualities AND being a bit top-heavy on ego or arrogance during this one month transit. Cancer chart individuals benefit from having their 2nd house of wealth, family and communication strengthened. Cancerians have already had enough to put up with rough and volatile Rahu crossing their sign since September 9, 2017. And Rahu and Ketu do not change signs until March 23, 2019, so both Cancers and Capricorns have to dig in and just “handle it” until the nodes leave their respective signs. Remember that there are planetary “yagyas” – ancient Vedic remedies, to allieviate the intensity you may be feeling. Just contact me for some references to these services, which I enjoy utilizing myself.

August 27th – MARS goes direct motion. Well, that’s a step in the right direction.  Remember that Mars has been crossing Capricorn, its sign of exaltation, which would be great for Capricorn Rising and Moon sign people, were it not for the fact that malefic Ketu (south node of the Moon) is also traveling there with it.  Now Mars will march forward once more, but does not change signs and thus get away from Ketu’s hindering influence until November 5th. Otherwise, the Capricorns would enjoy the burst of drive, energy, courage, clarity and initiative that Mars is trying to bring them, as well as some good karma with real estate. There will still be some of those benefits to a good degree. It’s just that Ketu hinders or degrades otherwise promising situations.

Please refer to my last month’s blog to review the significance of retrograde planets and eclipses.

All the best, from the Sunshine Corner, here in Boulder, CO.  Tel: 720-448-3742.  Thank you for referrals you send me.  I offer many services such as: natal chart readings, yearly updates, couples compatibility or astrocartography (location) readings.  If you would like to book an appointment for yourself, or as a gift for a family member or dear one, please call me, and we can schedule a 90 minutes, recorded session.  Thank you, Mary Stevenson, Vedic Astrologer, healingevents@yahoo.com

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