Vedic Astrology Planets of July 2018: TWO Eclipses This Month
by marystevenson | Sep 1, 2018
Greetings, Star Gazers! Wishing you a happy July 4th celebration as the summer progresses. Let’s see what the stars are up to this month. There are some significant events to report. As ever, if you need personal insight on your individual situation, please call me for a session. My readings can give precise details on timing and answer your questions. See info on the type of services I provide, below.
July 4th – VENUS enters Leo, bringing those with this fire sign Rising or Moon the sweetness of affection, romance, and good fortune, as Venus rules their 9th house. Enjoy! Venus rules the signs of Libra and Taurus. For the Libras, this is a nice, helpful transit of their 11th house of income, gain and fulfillment of desire, so no complaints there. For Taureans it’s their 4th house of friends, real estate, the comforts of home, so it should be a pleasant cycle for them as well.
July 10th – JUPITER goes Direct! This is good news for the Sagittarius and Pisces Rising and Moon sign people, whose signs it rules. Now things can begin to have a “moving forward” feeling. Sweet. This has been a long period of Retrograde status for this great benefic planet, as that started all the way back on March 8th. Jupiter remains in Libra until October 11th, 2018, when it enters Scorpio. More on that bridge, once we cross it.
July 13th – This partial Solar eclipse occurs in the air sign of Gemini. It will be visible in Australia and the Indian and Pacific oceans. It’s mainly the areas of visibility that feel the most impact of any given eclipse. Though the Leo Ascendants and Moon sign people may not feel so comfortable on that day, as the “Light” of this luminary is being partially hidden. We are fortunate that it will not be visible in the USA. (see more on eclipses, below).
July 16th – The SUN moves into water sign Cancer for its one month transit through this friend’s sign. This is helpful to Cancer Rising and Moon sign people as it can serve to connect them more with family, wealth and provides stronger communication energy for them. However, for the Leos, whose sign the Sun rules, that is their 12th house of loss, expenses, isolation, seclusion, foreign travel and “bed pleasures.” Thus it can be a good month for meditating, going inward to balance and get clear on what they want….and enjoy the foreign travel if you have a way to make that happen!
July 25th – MERCURY GOES RETROGRADE. Is that groaning I hear from afar here? Yes, we’re in for it again. Let’s remember it is not just the signs ruled by Mercury that get affected (Virgo and Gemini) but this planet governs for all, the realms of commerce, diplomacy and tactfulness, as well as communication and any equipment related to same. Mercury has been transiting the sign of Cancer. This retrograde period lasts until August 18th, causing Mercury to remain in Cancer until September 2nd. For Cancerians, due to the houses it rules for them, this can bring both spiritual influences as well as keeping them active with projects including writing. At least this sign represents positive houses for both the Virgos and Geminis.
July 27th – Total LUNAR eclipse – This one is visible in South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia, so that is where the biggest impact will be felt. The Moon governs mind and emotions, travel, prosperity and the public. I have a feeling that recent tariffs could cause further ripples in foreign markets around this time, as well as social unrest in these areas. The eclipse occurs in earth sign Capricorn, where the Moon will be conjunct with Ketu, the south node of the Moon, as well as the very strong exalted Mars. This increases the chances for anger, restlessness and irritability to be felt and expressed, in a no-holds-barred sort of way. Both the Cancer and Capricorn Ascendants and Moon sign people will feel this one. It’s especially impactful for the Cancerians, as the Moon rules their charts.
We should remember, too, that eclipses give their influence from two weeks before to two weeks after they occur (one Indian Jyotishi told me that could even be from one month before and after they occur).
To explain more the significance of eclipses, I’ll quote from another Vedic Astrologer, Tara Divine who sums it up well: “As the ancient Indian legend goes, an eclipse occurs when the shadowy demon Rahu Ketu gets his revenge on the Sun and the Moon by consuming them and stealing their luminous rays. Their pure, creative energy gets twisted and dark during the eclipse and for a few days after. This myth does not exactly conjure a heart warming mental image, and that’s intentional.
The truth, according to Vedic Astrology, is that eclipses can be a terrible time to start or end projects, relationships, jobs, or any other important thing in the material world. This is because auspicious beginnings are blessed with light, ideally the light of a healthy, full Moon and the daytime Sun. With Rahu and Ketu gobbling up this light and warping it in unseen ways, anything you start could turn out very strangely, and you may regret ending something as well…
Eclipses are a great time to stay in, meditate, and do your inner work. In fact, they provide an especially rich opportunity to connect with spirit because the ‘veils’ are thin.”
All the best, from the Sunshine Corner, here in Boulder, CO. Tel: 720-448-3742. Thank you for any referrals you may send me. I offer many services such as: natal chart readings, yearly updates, couples compatibility or astrocartography (location) readings. If you would like to book an appointment for yourself, or as a gift for a family member or dear one, please call me, and we can schedule a 90 minutes, recorded session. Thank you, Mary Stevenson, Vedic Astrologer,