Welcome to my monthly blog post and thank you for sharing this information with interested friends.

New Year’s blessing to all! May 2017 bring you many gifts.

Once again, I can blame my tardiness on getting this report written to Mercury Retrograde, but that just ended, so now, back to work.

January 2nd – Mercury got out of combustion with the Sun, bringing relief to all those with Virgo or Gemini Rising or Moon signs, especially.

January 8th – MERCURY WENT DIRECT! Yes, that was just this morning, so communications in general should improve now. Situations that seemed to be “going backwards” for the Virgos and Geminis for the past three weeks, can move forward more smoothly, as well.  If you’ve been having trouble with communication equipment, Mercury getting out of retrograde should also be a big improvement.  Go ahead and sign those contracts and make the new agreements you have been considering.

January 13th – The SUN enters earth sign Capricorn this date, which is not its favorite sign to transit. For the Leos, the sign that the Sun rules, this represents your 6th house of enemies, rivals and competitors, stress, worry, and health problems. You can expect some delays and snags until February 12th.

January 20th – MARS enters Pisces.  For those with Aries Rising or Moon signs, this represents your 12th house, so you may experience some losses or expenses, may feel you need some time alone, or conversely, just feel isolated. Foreign travel would be a possibility, depending on your dashas (personal planetary cycles). For the other sign ruled by Mars, Scorpio, this represents your 5th house of success, learning, children, and romance, so it’s a better placement for you.

AND NOW THE BIG ONE!  Our slowest-moving planet, SATURN, will enter Sagittarius on January 26th.  This is a relief for those with Scorpio Moons especially, as you have been in the middle of your Sadhe Sati period. Sorry to spoil the fun, but I must report that your relief will be temporary: Saturn goes retrograde on April 5th, and backs all the way up into Scorpio again on June 20th. It goes direct motion on August 25th, but does not move back into Sagittarius until October 26. There it will remain for roughly 2.5 years.  Sagittarians, “call me,” to get the scoop. You will be working hard, have many responsibilities, and will need to stay focused in the next few years, including having a structured schedule, which your nature may rebel against. Trust me, it’s worth it. Also, you’ll need to get enough rest every night!  Meditation is a great help for those dealing with Saturn’s influence.

January 27th – Benefic VENUS enters Pisces, its sign of Exaltation. The signs ruled by this planet are Taurus and Libra. The Taureans will fare very well, as this is a 10th house transit, emphasizing your popularity, career, name and fame, etc. Libras have to be careful, as this is your 6th house of worry and stress. Take care of yourself and watch out for jealousy that could be directed at you now. Pisces Rising or Moon folks will feel more creative, warm and loving, yet Venus does also rule your 8th house of vulnerability and transformation.  Pisceans really have to learn to have healthy boundaries or others will take advantage of your “Emotional Healer” nature and you could end up feeling drained.

For those who like to plan far into the future, I will mention a very powerful TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE ON August 21st, and yes, it will be visible in the US. The path of complete darkness caused when Rahu tries to “swallow the Sun” is from the Pacific NW, diagonally through the Midwest, and going through South Carolina, from what I’ve read. Eclipses are very inauspicious, should not be viewed, especially by anyone who is pregnant, and their biggest effects happen along the areas in which they are visible.  This eclipse occurs in LEO, which sign the Sun owns, thus it will have the greatest effect on those born with Leo Ascendants or Moon signs.

Blessings of the planets to you, from the Sunshine Corner in from Sedona, AZ.  Tel. 928-284-4060.  Thank you for any referrals you may send me.  I offer many services such as: natal chart readings, yearly updates, couples compatibility or astrocartography (location) readings.  If you would like to book an appointment for yourself, or as a gift for a family member or dear one, please call me, and we can schedule a 90 minute, taped session.  Thank you, Mary Stevenson, Vedic Astrologer, healingevents@yahoo.com. ethereal-grain.flywheelsites.com

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