Are you ready to jump into the new year and play among the stars? What a great time of year to get a personal reading. Once you know your Vedic chart, my monthly Blog posts will make a lot more sense to you.  Contact me at 720-448-3742 to set up a session and thank you for sharing this info with your interested friends.

January 1st – Both Moon and VENUS enter Scorpio today, joining benefic Jupiter who is already there. Our water sign friends will feel more emotional, affectionate and sensual today, attracting interest from partners and others.  Libras will enjoy a warm connection to family during this Venus transit of their 2nd house, as well as a good flow of finances. Taurus Rising and Moon sign individuals will enjoy their relationship at deeper levels now, and possibly some travel. VENUS stays here until Jan. 29th.

January 5th  – Mercury becomes combust the Sun today, on this New Moon in Sagittarius day. There will now be a total of FOUR planets crossing this fire sign. Saturn has already been combust for some time. New Moons are a good time for new beginnings or rituals to increase abundance etc.  There is such a mixture of conflicting energies now for those with Sagittarius Rising or Moon signs. There can be feelings of vulnerability and obstacles, yet some positive financial results as well. With two planets combust in this sign, they will feel some inner tensions and restlessness, for sure.

January 6th – There will be a partial solar eclipse today, in the sign of Sagittarius today.  The area of visibility will be NE Asia   northeast Asia, including BeijingIrkutsk in Russia, SeoulTaipei, and Tokyo and the north Pacific. Eclipses are never auspicious and the areas of visibility are where the impact will be felt the most.

January 14th- The SUN enters earth sign Capricorn. Here the Sun is not in a friend sign’s and will be traveling through the 6th house from LEO, which is ruled by the Sun, bringing some discomfort, anxiety, stress, obstacles or health issues for those with Leo Rising or Moon signs.  Those with Capricorn Rising or Moon signs will feel some burdens that may include having unexpected bills pop up that must be paid, and going through changes that affect their love of a consistent routine, with their 8th ruler now crossing their 1st house of self, body and direction of their life.

January 18th – SATURN goes non-combust, bringing some relief for Capricorns and Aquarians, which are the signs that Saturn rules.

January 20th – Mercury enters Capricorn.  Here Mercury will be traveling with the Sun and the south node of the Moon, Ketu.  Those ruled by Mercury, the Virgos and Geminis, may feel greater intuitive tendencies now, which a Mercury/Ketu conjunction can bring.  Capricorns will have mixed results with this planet line up and swing between feeling talkative and secretive.

January 20th-21st – No doubt you have already been hearing much talk about this “super blood wolf moon eclipse.” Starting Jan. 20, a total lunar eclipse, or blood moon, that coincides with a supermoon, will be visible throughout the United States. The event starts late in the evening Jan. 20 and finishes during the wee hours of Jan. 21. The total phase of this total lunar eclipse will be visible from North and South America, and western parts of Europe and Africa. Central and eastern Africa, Europe, and Asia will see a partial eclipse of the Moon. For the Mountain Time zone, the eclipse will be at its point of maximum fullness at approximately 10:15 p.m. on January 20th. Again, the classical Vedic text recommend not looking at eclipses, though I understand the temptation to do so. The event symbolizes the malefic north node of the Moon, Rahu, trying to “swallow” or put out the light of the Moon, one of two significant luminaries in our solar system. You can google and read more about the meaning of eclipse in Vedic Astrology. This particular eclipse will occur in the water sign CANCER, which the Moon rules. Thus it will have significant impact on those with Cancer Rising or Moon signs. Moon also stands for mind and emotions, for all charts.  Events may occur leading up to and during this celestial occurrence that reflect certain emotional trauma or suffering, especially for the Cancerians of the Vedic zodiac. I myself plan to “lay low” that day! Fortunately “this too shall pass” as is the case with all eclipses. Not fun while such challenges are going on, of course.

January 29th – Venus enters Sagittarius.  Here Venus joins its friend Saturn, bringing more playfulness and enjoyment to those with this fire sign Rising or Moon signs, lightening the load the Sags may have been feeling with just task-master Saturn there for some time.  Librans will have feel a spurt of creativity, while this 8th house transit for Taureans, may create some feelings of vulnerability or some type of transformation.

All the best, from the Sunshine Corner, here in Boulder, CO.  Tel: 720-448-3742.  Thank you for referrals you send me.  I offer many services such as: natal chart readings, yearly updates, couples compatibility or astrocartography (location) readings.  If you would like to book an appointment for yourself, or as a gift for a family member or dear one, please call me, and we can schedule a 90 minutes, recorded session.  Thank you, Mary Stevenson, Vedic Astrologer,  720-448-3742

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