April Planet Transits: Mercury Retrograde Until 4/15/18
by marystevenson | Apr 5, 2018
3/31/18 Brings us a Blue Moon, in Virgo.
What a nice way to segue into April. The energies of Moon in Virgo are calming, bringing more logic and deductive skills out in the collective mind. Virgos get to enjoy their 11th house ruler, bringing income and gain their way, and fulfillment of desire.
SATURN is such a slow moving planet, that it’s been some time since I’ve written about its travels and how that affects the signs it rules, Capricorn and Aquarius, so it seems only fair to focus on that some. Since 10/26/17 Saturn has been crossing the sign of Sagittarius. This is the 12th house for those with Capricorn Rising or Moon charts. This house is all about loss, expenses, isolation or seclusion. Caps do need to watch their spending now, and do their best to push themselves out into the crowd to mingle with fellow humans, to avoid feeling the worst impacts of loneliness, which this transit can bring. Going on spiritual retreats is advised now, as that is an excellent way to utilize the potential for Enlightenment that a 12th house transit also provides.
For Aquarians, Saturn, the lord of their chart, is traveling through their 11th house, so it can bring income and gain their way, with less effort than previously, so it is a positive experience, for the most part.
SAGITTARIUS is playing host to Saturn. That can bring the ability to focus and work hard for those with this Rising or Moon sign. Life may seem somewhat hectic, too, with all the responsibilities that Saturn brings. Since MARS has also been transitting this fire sign since March 7th, and Mars and Saturn are enemies, there may be feelings of being pushed in one direction and pulled in the opposite direction. Definitely a “hurry up, and then wait” sensation. Mars will remain in this sign until May 2nd, so the internal angst can ease up some then.
4/08/18 – Mercury gets out of combustion with the Sun. This improves communications and tactful interactions overall, and brings relief to those with either Gemini or Virgo Rising or Moon signs, which are ruled by Mercury.
4/13/18 – The SUN enters Aries, where it experiences Exalted dignity. The Leos, who are ruled by the Sun, will enjoy this exalted status, especially as Aries represents their 9th house of good luck, good fortune, remedies, pilgrimage and Natural Law. For those with Aries Ascendants or Moon sign people, the Sun rules their 5th house of success, romance, and educations, highlighting these qualities in their lives now.
4/15/18 – MERCURY GOES DIRECT. As usual, this brings relief to interpersonal communications. Did you notice any snags with technical equipment or anything related to correspondence during this time? Virgos and Geminis can experience forward movement now, in their projects and career.
4/17/18 – SATURN goes retrograde. Its malefic qualities get stronger when it is in retrograde status. This can bring some feelings of depression or being down to those with Sagittarius Rising or especially with that Moon sign, as they are in Sadhe Sati at this time, and have to deal with obstacles, delays and hard work, during this cycle anyway. Now add the retrograde condition…so try to nurture and take care of yourselves at this time! It will stay retrograde until 9/06/18.
4/19/18 – VENUS enters Taurus, its own sign, where it is happy and powerful. This brings more comforts and luxuries to those with Taurus Rising or Moons, including the enjoyment of the arts, beauty or music. For Libras, also ruled by Venus, this is an 8th house transit…which is all about Transformation, and can also bring them some vulnerability. Venus remains here until May 14th.
Remember that for any difficult transit or dasha period (personal planetary cycle) there are ancient Vedic remedies known as Yagyas, which I can describe to you, to alleviate some layers of obstacles. These are most beneficial for “engineering the karma” away from the owner of the chart.
All the best, from the Sunshine Corner, here in Boulder, CO. Tel: 720-448-3742. Thank you for any referrals you may send me. I offer many services such as: natal chart readings, yearly updates, couples compatibility or astrocartography (location) readings. If you would like to book an appointment for yourself, or as a gift for a family member or dear one, please call me, and we can schedule a 90 minutes, taped session. Thank you, Mary Stevenson, Vedic Astrologer, healingevents@yahoo.com