December, 2017 – It’s nearly the end of another year. This one has brought some momentous changes and seems to have flown by. Let’s see what the planets hold for us, this last month of the year.

Dec. 3 – MERCURY GOES RETROGRADE! This condition will last until Dec. 22, so how nice to have it over with before the holidays are fully here.  Get ready for three weeks of communication snarls and mishaps, which also applies to any equipment or devices that deal with communication.  Mercury rules the signs of Gemini and Virgo, so those with these Ascendants or Moon signs will feel this appearance of Mercury’s “backwards movement” the most.  Mercury is currently in Sagittarius, traveling with its friend Saturn, but they did have a brief “planetary war” last week, which was uncomfortable for many, so we are glad that is over.

Dec. 3 – MOON will be totally full in its sign of exaltation, Taurus.  The intensity of this full moon is being felt already, by many I know.  Taureans and Cancerians benefit from it.  The moon rules “mind and emotions” in the Vedic system, so having it both full AND exalted, is rather powerful. But the pull on human emotions can feel overwhelming now, coupled with the usual stress and anxieties of the holiday time of year. Be gentle with yourselves, and others.

Dec. 4 – SATURN combust the Sun. This brings more irritability than usual for those with Capricorn and Aquarius Ascendants or Moon signs. Watch for getting more easily riled up than is your normal nature.  Saturn also represents working people, service-oriented groups like the police force, agriculture, and oil.  There may be disruptions and unrest in any of these areas now. This condition will last until Jan. 7th.

Dec. 7 – MERCURY combust the Sun. This cycle in which a planet travels too close to the Sun (which makes a planet grouchy, angry, more reactive than normal) occurs more frequently for Mercury than any other planet, because it habitually travels closer to the Sun than the rest of the planets.  You may feel the subtle effects of just being more sensitive or reactive to things you normally would let roll off your back.  It can be helpful to employ meditative techniques to maintain your equilibrium and peace of mind during these cycles. This cycle lasts until Dec. 18.

Dec. 10 – MERCURY moves into Scorpio.  Here those with Scorpio Rising or Moon signs will find communication mattering more than their somewhat secretive natures may be used to.  But Mercury will be in both a retrograde AND combust status, so all of us will need to strive to be as diplomatic as possible in our speech as well as any written correspondence.  Gains can come to Scorpios now through commerce. Virgos will have energy to expend on various projects. Geminis (also ruled by Mercury) may not feel as chipper, since this is their 6th house of worry, stress and physical health concerns. Mercury stays here until Jan. 6, 2018.

Dec. 15 – The SUN moves into Sagittarius, a friend’s sign.  Leos (ruled by the Sun) will enjoy a month of heightened learning abilities, success in worldly projects or speculative matters. They will feel more playful and romantic as well, or enjoy spending time with children.  Sagittarians get an energy boost from the Sun’s power and experience the “good luck and good fortune” the Sun brings, as their 9th house ruler.

Dec. 20 – VENUS enters Sagittarius. Here it joins the Sun and Saturn, bringing a swirl of energies to those with this fire sign Rising or Moon sign. Interestingly, I just looked at someone’s chart with these same three planets in her first house of self, body and personality, so that is a three-way natal return for her!  Natal returns can be a bit intense. We get the opportunity to really deal with whatever issues our soul brought in to face this lifetime.  Sun and Saturn are enemies, so that part is not so comfortable. Venus is at least friends with Saturn. It can help spice up the planet party for our Sag friends.

Dec. 22 – MERCURY goes Direct motion, as mentioned above. It gets out of combustion Dec. 18, so it altogether will be feeling better and those with this planetary ruler (Virgos and Geminis) will experience life and projects moving forward at a good pace, once more. Communication in general becomes easier for everyone.

MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY HANUKKAH, AND A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL!  This is a perfect time to give a holiday gift of one of my Vedic Astrology readings to a dear one.  Wishing the blessings of the planets to you, from the Sunshine Corner, in Boulder, CO.  Tel. 720-448-3742 (cell); or 928-284-4060 (home).  Thank you for your referrals.

I offer many services such as: natal chart readings, yearly updates, couples compatibility or astrocartography (location) readings.  If you would like to book an appointment for yourself, or as a gift for a family member or dear one especially as the holiday season nears, please call me to schedule one of my 90 minute sessions.  Thank you, Mary Stevenson, Vedic Astrologer,

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