February 2019 Planet Transits

Current MARS is featured this month, moving into fire sign ARIES on 2/05/19. This is its own sign, where its energy is strong and healthy. I’m trying a new format this month, going through each Rising Sign (so I hope you know yours, in the Vedic Astrology system; if not,...

January, 2019 New Year Planet Blog

Current Are you ready to jump into the new year and play among the stars? What a great time of year to get a personal reading. Once you know your Vedic chart, my monthly Blog posts will make a lot more sense to you.  Contact me at 720-448-3742 to set up a session and thank...

Vedic Astrology Transit Blog for October, 2018

Current VENUS is strongly featured in this month’s blog. It is high dignity, traveling through its own sign of Libra. In addition JUPITER is on the move! Read all about it.  Please remember that I’m available to give individual and couples readings, and I greatly appreciate...

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